The new Key Leaves self-fit-kit for soprano sax works with any model of straight or curved soprano saxophone and prevents frustrating sticking sax keys and pad rot. Fix your sticky G#, Eb and C# soprano sax pads for good by leaving the keys open to dry with Key Leaves.
- Works safely without touching pad leather. The leaf shaped props touch only the tone hole and resonator to air dry the Eb, C# plus G# pads.
- Soft-touch Nylon, Safe on All Finishes
- Daily care or long term storage
- Patented & Made In USA
- Slide the string knot to double the length, or untie/re-tire for 4x length
In a few seconds you can open Low Eb, C# plus G# sax key pads to air dry clean and cure sticky soprano sax keys before they start sticking.
* Opening G# with Low C# may not work on saxes made before 1930.