The McGill Signature Bb Clarinet Mouthpiece is all about richness of tone and ease of articulation. It has the flexibility to be able to play with a huge sound and delicately at the softest dynamic. Crafted from hard-rod rubber using the most advanced precision CNC machining in the industry, this mouthpiece is best suited for an advanced high school through consummate professional clarinetists.
*Tip from Hawkins: To re-lubricate signature mouthpiece o-rings, use a drop of almond oil or a tiny bit of cork grease on the inner wall of the barrel top tenon to improve ease of use.
- Medium/Open tip at 1.15mm with a Medium/Long facing, which is very free blowing and ranges with a 3.0-4.0 cane reeds and 3.5-4.25 synthetic reeds
- A=440-441/66mm typical barrel length or A=442/65mm typical barrel length
- Engraved with AM on the table for Anthony McGill
One McGill Signature Bb Clarinet Mouthpiece with three medium-sized self-lubricating O-Rings, one small flathead screwdriver and one mouthpiece patch.
All Backun Signature Series Mouthpieces come with medium-sized O-Rings installed, which fit a majority of clarinet barrel tenons.